Rise of Smart Fit: A Fitness Revolution Led by Edgard Corona

 Smart Fit, founded by Edgard Corona, has taken the fitness
industry by storm with its affordable and accessible approach to health and
. With over 1,200 gyms across 15 countries in Latin America, Smart Fit
has become a leading fitness brand in the region. 


Edgard Corona, a seasoned veteran in the fitness industry
with over 30 years of experience, had a vision to make fitness accessible to
all. He recognized the need for a high-quality yet affordable gym experience
for the lower -income population. Inspired by the success of Planet Fitness in
the United States, Edgard set out to create a similar model in Latin America. 

In 2009, Smart Fit was launched with a revolutionary concept:
delivering a high-end fitness experience at a low-cost. The response was
overwhelming, with hundreds of members signing up on the very first day. This
success prompted Edgard to expand beyond Brazil and venture into other Latin
American markets.  

Expanding internationally presented its own set of
challenges. Each country had its own unique regulations, cultural nuances, and
language barriers. However, Edgard and his team were determined to adapt and
overcome these hurdles. They partnered with local businesses and worked clos ely
with the communities to understand their specific needs and preferences. 

One of the key factors that contributed to Smart Fit’s
success was its consistent brand and culture. Regardless of the country or
language, every Smart Fit gym provided the same high-quality experience. The
company ensured that its systems, processes, and management tools were
standardiz ed across all locations.

Smart Fit’s rapid growth can also be attributed to its
strategic partnerships with global banks, such as Citi Bank. These partnerships
provided the financial support needed to expand  into new markets and navigate
the complex banking systems of different countries. 

Looking back on his journey, Edgard advises aspiring
entrepreneurs to embrace failure as a learning experience and to take risks. He
believes that passion and a love for what you do are essential for success.
Edgard’s vision has not only transformed the fitness industry  in Latin America
but has also made a significant impact on people’s lives by making fitness
accessible and affordable for all. 

The rise of Smart Fit, led by Edgard Corona, is a testament
to the power of innovative thinking, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of
a vision. As the company continues to expand and change lives, Edgard remains
committed to his mission of delivering a great fitness experience to people
across Latin America. The fitness revolution sparked by Smart Fit is far from
over, and Edgard Corona is at the helm, driving change and inspiring others along
the way.